A Holiday Message

Friends, families, chosen-families, parents & children,

What a year this has been, and many people understandably await a “return to normal”. But as of this writing over 300,000 families will never have a return to normal. Plus, our democracy has been tested in ways thought unimaginable. Social and racial injustice issues, The economy. Holiday stress. Home schooling. And more. These conditions have taken a tremendous toll on us all.


With the innumerable challenges we have endured in 2020, we have also witnessed a rising up – a spirit of togetherness, support and kindness in our beautiful Rainbow Families and extended Rainbow Families. And many of us have hope in a new leadership, to help get us on track.

In the coming new year, let’s hold onto that hope, that kindness, and seek to create the change we need for this generation, and for our children’s.

Be safe this holiday season, give yourselves a break, be kind. We’ll get through this.

Darren Paul-Vance
Executive Director, Rainbow Families

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