Don’t Miss Out! PEP Classes at the Rainbow Families Conference
Rainbow Families is proud to be partnering with the Parenting Encouragement Program (PEP) to bring several of their parenting classes to our 2018 Conference for LBGTQ+ Families. PEP sessions will include the following:
Power Tools for Power Struggles
Frequent power struggles, whether between adults or between parents and children, impact relationships. Learn what happens when a conflict develops and gain some insights into redirecting that energy in ways that tend to solve problems and bring people closer.
Good Fences: Happy Families: Limit Setting for Young Children
Behavioral limits help young children learn to go to bed on time, pick up after themselves and get along with others. Limits also provide security, order and an understanding of the way the world works. Learn techniques to build and uphold firm and friendly boundaries.
Raising I Can Kids
A child’s “I Can Quotient” is Betty Lou Bettner and Amy Lew’s term for a more useful measure than the traditional IQ. It includes the qualities that predict a child’s ability to thrive in life. Learn strategies to increase your child’s sense of feeling connected, capable, competent and courageous.
Positive Discipline
Move away from punishment and toward using encouragement, consequences, limits and agreements, for an approach to discipline that stimulates cooperation and self-restraint.
Problem Solving with Teens
Sometimes guiding our teens can seem like a wrestling match, with both parent and teen feeling like losers. Gain the necessary skills to help your teen discuss and solve problems in a positive way by focusing on long-term goals, determining who owns the problem and encouraging resilience.
Managing Stress and Pressure
With so much to do, achieve and accomplish, children of all ages can get squeezed out of spontaneous play, exploration and daydreaming. And parents wonder how to keep their family connections strong and vital when schedules are packed and downtime is scarce. Examine common stress triggers and learn strategies to lower the pressure and help children achieve balance.
These are just some of the workshop sessions you have to look forward to at our 2018 Family Conference for LBGTQ+ parents and prospective parents. Learn more about PEP by CLICKING HERE.